Fascial Stretch Therapy

What is Fascial Stretch Therapy?

The Frederick Stretch Therapy technique leans into the shifting paradigms and treats the whole person, not just a body part. It is pain-free and uses constant circulatory, gently oscillating movements of traction and stabilization to decompress joints and expand space in the soft tissues. Beyond gaining range of motion where needed, one experiences vastly improved kinesthesia (ability to move with ease) and proprioception (sense of one’s posture both when still and in movement). An overall feeling of wellbeing, confidence, and ease with oneself after receiving FST is the capstone to personal and professional transformation.

What is FST Good For?

Blood Flow

Improving the blood flow to tired muscles, helping you to recover faster from tough training sessions with less soreness.

Tension Reduction

Reducing tension build up and overcompsations from other areas of the body.

Scar Tissue

Breaking up scar tissue and increase range of motion in injured areas of the body.


Reduces pain from lack of mobility and flexibility.

Who Can Benefit From FST?

  • Barbell Enthusiasts

    Tight fascia could be responsible for painful movement, increased muscle tightness, strains, tendon injuries. Those that are heavily involved in strength training and are constantly tightening up your muscles and they become stiff, your ability to stretch then contract the muscle is limited. Many muscles stay tight and in a contracted position even while at rest. When this occurs, it limits blood supply to the tissue, which decreases recovery time.

  • Athletes

    FST can reduce muscle-fascia adhesions, relieve muscle soreness, and flush the lymphatic system. It also increases blood flow which helps speed up recovery time. Athletes in fascial stretch programs have been found to recover more quickly between training sessions and improve active range of motion compared to other stretching methods.

  • Runners

    Healthy fascia is fast and reactive and supports the need to move quickly. Improving range of motion and elasticity can maintain stride length and you will be better able to absorb impact.

  • Chronic and Acute Pain Suffers

    Fascial stretch therapy can help treat several conditions such as disc herniation, facet joint dysfunctions, chronic headaches, plantar and pinched nerves. Many benefit from this technique, restoring, improving and maintaining mobility as well as general well-being.

What Makes FST Different?


Produces faster & greater gains in flexibility


FST method moves your body like nothing else

NeruoMyoFascia Technique

The most comprehensive way to achieve optimal function of neural muscular/fascia systems


  • $40

    This option would be great for 1 specific body part

  • $75

    This Session would be good for either and upper or lower focused session

  • $100

    This session would be great for treating both upper and lower body parts in a singualr session